PEARRL research
Chara will work with the Kostewicz transfer model in order to evaluate how well bio-enabling formulations can keep the drug in solution in the gastro-intestinal (GI) tract and to identify the appropriate conditions for investigating the supersaturation and precipitation characteristics for the bio-enabling formulations, which will be developed in PEARRL. The results from the transfer model will be coupled with commercial in silico models such as SIMCYP® and GASTROPLUS® to predict the in vivo performance of the bio-enabling formulations.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology
Supervisory Team
Scientific Background
Chara received her Diploma of Pharmacy from the School of Pharmacy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (2009-2014). Her diploma thesis was entitled “Simulation of intragastric environment to assess intragastric solubility during fed state”.
Afterwards, she completed her master's degree in industrial pharmacy at the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (2014-2016). “Characteristics of the human upper gastrointestinal contents in the fasted state under conditions of reduced acid secretion in the stomach” was the title of her master's thesis. |
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
litou [at] em [dot] uni-frankfurt [dot] de