This week, PEARRL members from all over Europe, representing 9 Beneficiaries, 9 Partner Organisations and Early Stage Researchers (ESRs), attended the PEARRL kick-off meeting in Bad Homburg, Germany, to advance this unique multi-sector collaboration and to discuss the research projects to be undertaken by 15 ESRs within the next three and a half years.
The meeting got under way with a social dinner at a local restaurant. While many consortium members had met before, this was an excellent opportunity for the entire team to get to know each other better.
The kick-off meeting on the 31st October 2016 provided the first opportunity in PEARRL for the ESRs to present their previous and planned research. Additionally, the three Research Work Package (WP) Leaders, Professor Martin Kuentz (WP1: Design of ‘bio-enabling’ formulations), Professor Christos Reppas (WP2: Biopharmaceutics tools for assessing oral drug formulations) and Professor Jennifer Dressman (WP3: In silico approaches for predicting formulation performance in vivo), gave an overview of their respective WPs. Further, a special session was dedicated to a discussion of planning regulatory training and workshops with representatives of all four regulatory bodies participating in PEARRL.
The 1st Annual Meeting will be held in Cork from the 19th to the 23rd June 2017 and a draft programme will be communicated shortly. This will be one of the project`s key network-wide training activities, the so called ‘PEARRLS of Wisdom’ Weeks, which encompass academic-, industry- and regulatory-led workshops as well as showcasing ESR research and providing training in transferable skills courses.
The kick-off meeting on the 31st October 2016 provided the first opportunity in PEARRL for the ESRs to present their previous and planned research. Additionally, the three Research Work Package (WP) Leaders, Professor Martin Kuentz (WP1: Design of ‘bio-enabling’ formulations), Professor Christos Reppas (WP2: Biopharmaceutics tools for assessing oral drug formulations) and Professor Jennifer Dressman (WP3: In silico approaches for predicting formulation performance in vivo), gave an overview of their respective WPs. Further, a special session was dedicated to a discussion of planning regulatory training and workshops with representatives of all four regulatory bodies participating in PEARRL.
The 1st Annual Meeting will be held in Cork from the 19th to the 23rd June 2017 and a draft programme will be communicated shortly. This will be one of the project`s key network-wide training activities, the so called ‘PEARRLS of Wisdom’ Weeks, which encompass academic-, industry- and regulatory-led workshops as well as showcasing ESR research and providing training in transferable skills courses.
PEARRL network members at the kick-off meeting in Bad Homburg, Germany, on the 31st October 2016